“The eyes & ears of the community”

Recovery Survival Network (RSN) a California 501(c)(3) non-profit agency with a foundation status founded Police & Sheriff Reporter. The goals of RSN are to help hard to employ and low-income heads of households survive in a very tough economy by providing jobs, training and referrals to community services.

Why call the magazine Police & Sheriff Reporter? Because the content will be geared towards helping law enforcement in reducing violent street crimes that are a direct result of gang and drug related activities. Every member of our communities are part of the solution, if we work together to help law enforcement by being “the eyes and ears of the community” things will become manageable much faster.

Local, State and Federal government agency caseworkers are overwhelmed with clients that have been relying on public assistance for most of their lives. In many cases some of the funding sources have all but evaporated because of the heavy drain on taxpayer dollars. When the welfare system and public housing projects were first established in the 60’s that was the start of over 40 years dependence on the system. In this 40-year span teenage pregnancy went out of control and the problems escalated to an all time high, which is where we are now.

We believe that providing a job that earns people a living wage is a step in the right direction. Many of the lower income families and their children don’t have the education to get a job that has the earnings potential to take care of a family. Many heads of households in urban neighborhoods had to resort to criminal activities to survive.

Jails and institutions are at capacity year round which means many children are being brought us without both parents. This alone is more than enough to create another generation of problems for the community to deal with.

When will this cycle end? How can it end? These questions can be address and pointed in the right direction by providing hope, through gainful employment for people with limited education and criminal backgrounds. People can and will respond if they are given the opportunity to make a decent living without breaking the law

We are printing a magazine with a community focus. We believe that our readers will be people just like you who have a vested interest in seeing a reduction in these kinds of problems.

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If you know someone who is having trouble with drugs or alcohol, remember the 24-hour hotline number is 1-888-USE-NONE

© 2004 - 2020 Recovery Survival Network

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