“The eyes & ears of the community”

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I get help for an addict?
  2. Where can I find housing?
  3. Who benefits from supporting this program?
  4. What happens to the advertising dollars?
  5. When is the magazine printed?

How do I get help for an addict?

There are many day treatment or outpatient drug programs in every city in the USA. It is very easy to get help if you really want it. Visit our help link for many options that are available.

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Where can I find housing?

Housing is a tough one. There are many short-term shelters and government
assisted housing programs available, but the waiting list can be quite long in
most cases. A good place to start is your local Department of Human
Services offices. 

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Who benefits from supporting this program?

The residents and business owners in the neighborhoods will be the
ultimate long-term winners. Any member of the community can call our toll
free number 1-888-USE-NONE (873-6663) and let us know where people are in
need of help. We will try to coordinate services with other non-profit
agency and community based organizations and service providers to do an
outreach in those neighborhoods to help those in need.

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What happens to the advertising dollars?

We guarantee a portion of the advertising proceeds will go to helping
distributing important information to assist those in the community that
are having problems finding employment or help finding a program to help
them with training, treatment or housing referrals. The homeless issues
are one of the largest problems facing every community in the country. We
will make donations to the shelters of office equipment, clothing, and
home furnishings and we will provide a daily cash stipend for their
clients that are day workers distributing the newsletters each quarter as
seasonal work. That income can help them get current work experience and
trigger the desire to become constructive again

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When is the magazine printed?

It will be printed annually, but the contents will be available within a
couple days of each purchase online at www.policeandsheriffreporter.org
and in the next quarterly edition of the newsletter that will be mailed to
hundreds of businesses, residents and government agencies. We will go one
step further and offer the homeless shelters bundles of the newsletter for
the homeless population to distribute to coffee shops and Internet café's.
Your advertisement will get recognition through out your community.

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If you know someone who is having trouble with drugs or alcohol, remember the 24-hour hotline number is 1-888-USE-NONE

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All rights reserved.