“The eyes & ears of the community”

Police and Sheriff Reporter "My Hero" of the Month

A personal hero can be a police officer, fireman, teacher, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, cousin, brother, sister, priest or minister any person who has made a real positive impact on your life. This is a way to pay tribute to anyone who has contributed to make your life better and has had a positive impact on you.

The staff, interns and consultants will seek out people and places that are making a difference. We will feature a variety of programs, community events and celebrity interviews. Young minds need role models, mentors and positive influences to help them develop into stand up responsible adults. This is a great way to let those who make a difference in peoples lives be recognized for their brilliant efforts to enrich the lives of others.

Fill out and submit the web entry form and we’ll see to it that the person knows their community service efforts have made a real difference. Describe the good deed or deed’s the person has done for you in 50 words or less to have your hero in the contest.

Please use the poll to vote for your choice to become the Police and Sheriff Reporter Hero of the month. We will calculate the votes the 3rd week of each month to decide the next month’s winner. We will do a feature article on the person with the most unduplicated votes and  feature their agency in the community spotlight page for the year. We will also give that person a dinner for 2 at a nice restaurant as part of their reward for being a “Winner” of the My Hero of the month award.

Nominate your Hero / Meet the Hero's / Vote for this months winner

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